Ahad, Mac 23, 2025

zgo will takeover casio?

Zgo is a watch company from china. It is relatively new and not so popular compared to the grand old casio. That's for now.

However, with new innovations and trendy watch from zgo, the future looks bright for zgo. 

In fact, if casio do not catch up, the zgo watch will take the lead. The reasons are quite clear. 

First zgo made a decent watch. They look good and function well. 

Second thing, what is more important is that they are way cheaper than Casio.

Third, zgo has collaborate with big name such as sanrio, and some marvel icons such as Superman, Batman and Sanrio (hello kitty) to name a few. 
Last, I think as an adult, I also has fallen in love with zgo.

So will zgo take over the lead from casio? Only time will tell. 

cuci kereta

Pagi cuci kereta rm12. 

Lepas tu Bi ajak ke PKNS Bangi.

Bi beli baju 200 lebih dan untuk anak aku topup 50 lagi. Dekat 300 la.

Petang ada majlis buka puasa di surau kuarters. 

Penulis ialah seorang dealer syarikat emas Public Gold kod PG00073921

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